Tayler Holder is an American social media star, who is best known for his work done on Musically. He has gained a substantial following on the lip-synching app, which has seen his brand grow across Instagram and Twitter.
Below, we look at 14 Tayler Holder Facts.
Birthday. Tayler Holder’s age is [showcurrentage month=”08″ day=”19 year=”1997″ template=”1″]. His birthday is August 19, 1997. His Zodiac sign is a Leo.
Family. He has a brother named Trever.
Birthplace. He was born in Vernon, Texas. He would later move to Los Angeles.
Dog. Tayler has a Pomeranian whose name is Eli. You can follow him at @itslittleeli
Bullied. Tayler was bullied in school because he was pretty small.
Instagram Verified. He got verified on Instagram in March 2017.
Best Friend. He is best friends with Austin Brown.
Joey Birlem. Tayler is really good friends with Joey Birlem They two started a channel called Joey and Taylor in January of 2016.
Tattoo. Tayler Holder has a tattoo of Roman numerals on his chest
Piercings. He has his left ear pierced, as well as his nose.
First Song. In the spring of 2017, he released his debut single “Who I Am”
Motocross. If Tayler wasn’t doing social media, he would be doing motocross. Motocross is something he has been doing since the age of three.
What He Played Growing Up. Aside from Motocross, Tayler also played Football, Basketball and baseball growing up.
Place he Would Most Like to Visit. Iceland is the one place that Tayler would love to visit sometime in the future.
Germany. He visited Germany to collaborate with Musically stars, Lisa and Lena Mantler
Social Media. Tayler has a growing social media presence and you can follow him on
Instagram. @TaylerHolder
Twitter. @TaylerHolder
Snapchat Name: itstaylerholder
he’s hot!!!!!!!!!