Musical.ly megastars and social media personalities, Lisa and Lena Mantler, are twin sisters who have racked up millions of fans, in just a short period of time.
Known for their charming Musical.ly videos, the twins have garnered millions of fans on the social media app, as well as other accounts such as Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.
Want to learn more about this in-demand twins? Take a look at these 24 Lisa and Lena facts.
Their Birthday. Lisa and Lena were born June 17, 2002.
Where they live. The twins currently live in Stuggart, Germany.
Siblings. Lisa and Lina have 2 older siblings. A brother, Tim and a sister, Tayra.
Their Full Names. Lisa and Lena Mantler
Who is Older? Lena is older
How Can You Tell Them Apart? Lena is a bit taller than Lisa, while Lisa has a birthmark on her nose.
Lisa’s Favorite Singer. Lisa absolutely loves Ariana Grande. It made the twins day when Ariana actually reposted one of their Musical.lys
What They Want to Be When They Grow Up? In the future, both Lena and List want to become actors.
Nickname. With the success of Musical.ly, fans of Lisa and Lena often refer to them as ‘LeLi’
They Love Hats. LeLi have a love affair with hats and caps. If you look at their Musical.lys or Instagram pictures, you will often see the duo rocking something on their heads.
Their rise to fame. Lisa and Lena started making Musical.lys back in the summer of 2015. The quickly became one the apps most popular users and the twins were able to have millions of followers, just like other Musical.ly stars like Loren Grey, TheyLoveArii, Baby Ariel and Kristen Hancher.
In an interview with Stylecaster.com, the twins explained that they started posting “just for fun,”. What they love about being famous is that “The whole world started connecting with us, and the famous companies and persons [sic] like to work with us.” Also, when they travel, “people on the street in many countries know us.”. The twins spend about 20 minutes a day working on their videos.
Favorite Quote. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Their parents emphasize to them to focus on school. Despite being social media superstars, Lena and Lisa have stated that their parents continue to emphasize the importance of school to them. The girls have taken it upon themselves to put a lot of focus on their school work. They have stated that being famous has actually helped their grades for the better, as they want to prove that you can be big on social media, while still being really good at school.
Social Media Accounts. The twins have transitioned their massive fan following from Musical.ly to other social media platforms. You can follow Lisa and Lena at:
- Website
- Twitter – @lisaandlena
- Facebook – lisaandlena
- Youtube – Lisa and Lena
- Instagram – @lisaandlena
- Snapchat – lisa.maaa
Real Voice. LiLe fans know of the duo lip-syncing, but many have never hear Lisa and Lena’s real voice. They did a video on Youtube giving their fans a look at how they really sound like.
The One Person They Want to Meet. For the twins, the one person they would want to meet in the world would be Selena Gomez.
Their Strange Quirk. Lisa tends to do most of her clothes shopping in brick and mortar stores. Lena buys most of her clothing online.
They Met Ed Sheeran. At their very first concert, LeLi were able to meet pop superstar Ed Sheeran. Lisa’s response to meeting Ed was “ It was great – he is so nice and humble and doing it all by himself..unbelievable.” Lena’s response “it was fantastic.”
Not Comfortable with English. While the twins have hundreds of thousands of fans in the USA, they don’t speak much English, as they are not comfortable with the language. German is their first language and they are still learning English as a second language.
Their pets. The pair have 2 cats, Kitty and Mozart.
Best friend. The twins best friend is a girl called Laura.
Food! Lisa loves pizza.
What they love to do. The twins enjoy other activities outside of their social media world. Lena is big on hip hop dancing and Lisa loves soccer.
Their own clothing line. When they first started getting big, Lisa and Lena partnered with clothing giant, Compose Clothing. In June 2016, ‘LeLi’ parted ways with Compose and now they sell their own merchandise such as clothing, bags and other accessories.
They Won Muser of the Year. At the 9th annual Shorty Awards in 2017, LisandLena won the award for Muser of the Year.
Without you we wouldn't be here! We wouldn't hold this award in our hands – thank you so much! You're the best! We love you!💓@shortyawards pic.twitter.com/Hzn3BPpDiC
— Lisa&Lena (@lisaandlena) April 23, 2017
I love you lisa and lena
OMG thank you
my birthday is june 16 and ur birthday is next to mine
Hi am your biggest fan ever can I stay with you am 16 years old I love going to your concerns I love you guys?? ????????????
I would love to meet them I also am a big fan of ariana grande
hello lisa and lena i am one of your big fans out of the hundreds. i am only in 5th grade but i have learned alot from you 2 twins. I have a brother that is a day older than me which i should be greatful for like you guys are greatful to eachother. thankyou for all those funny videos especially your new song not my fault
Hi! I absolutely love you guys so much!
hi lisa and lena my 16th birthday is coming up in 6 days
my 16th birthday is coming up in 6 days
What a Lovely Twins Sisters
Hey I love you guys i just want to tell you that I hope you guys live a wonderful life and I was adopted to and I love it if you would like to talk to me because I am your biggest fan