14 Halia Beamer Facts That are Super-Awesome

Halia Beamer Facts
Source: Instagram

Hali’a Beamer is one of the most popular Musers on the social media app, Muscal.ly. She is a rising star who is on an upward trajectory when it comes to a Social Media influencer.

Below are 14 facts about Hali’a that every fan needs to know.


Her Birthday. Hali’a Beamer was born April 4, 2005. Her birth sign is Aries.

Where she is from?  Hali’a hails from Oahu, Hawaii.

Family. Hali’a has a brother named Kana’i. Her mother Beth is also pretty active on the social media app, Instagram.

Her rise to fame. Hali’a’s quick rise to fame was a result of the Musical.ly social media app.

What She Thinks of the Fame? A lot of people consider her to be famous, but Hali’a does not consider herself to be a celebrity.

Her First Musical.ly. On her current account, the first Musical.ly she did was Tyga’s – Ice Cream Man.

Her Social Media Accounts. You can follow Hali’a on:

Instagram: @HaliaBeamer

Twitter: @aloha_halia

Musical.ly: @aloha_halia

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Halia-Beamer

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCElvGOn4A8Ywx450STX-dkA

Snapchat: She is currently not on Snapchat


Who inspired her to do Musical.ly? Hali’a got into Musical.ly when she saw the ‘Don’t Judge Challenge’ and decided that this was something she wanted to try out .She now has over 2 million followers on her account. She is currently one of the top 50 musers on musical.ly app.

Her Favorite Food. Surprisingly, her favorite food is a Caesar’s Salad.

Her Favorite Sport. She loves gymnastics, but she has taken a break from it. She plans on getting back into sometime in the future.

Appearance in a music video. Hali’a appeared in an un-official video for John Mayer’s “Changing,” along with other social media influencers such as Kristen Hancher, Raegan Beast, Piper Rockelle, Caleon Twins, Andrew Gregory, Nick Camryn, Nate Wyatt, Cash Noguchi and Hunter Hill.


Her Best friend – She has admitted that she has more than one close friend, the number is around 5-6.

Her lips. A lot of people ask her if her lips are real and if she got lip injections. She is often annoyed by that question as her lips are real.

She can rap. Hali’a got bars and she shows it in the video below.


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