30 Really Awesome Brent Rivera Facts

Brent Rivera Facts
Source: Instagram

Brent Rivera is an American Youtuber and former Vine star. While he is best known on YouTube for his MrBrent98 channel, he had developed quite a following across different social media platforms ,especially Instagram.

Below, we are going to take a look at 30 pretty awesome facts about Brent Rivera. So if you want to find out more about him, keep reading.

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Can you do this?😂😂

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Birthday. Brent Rivera’s age is [showcurrentage month=”01″ day=”09” year=”1998″ template=”1″]. His birthday is january 9, 1998. His Zodiac sign is a Capricorn.

Birthplace. Huntington Beach, California

Full Name. Brent Austin Rivera

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Who’d be down for a helicopter ride?🚁❤️

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Siblings. He has two brothers, Brice and Blake, as well as a sister, Lexi Rivera.

If He Was a Girl. If he was girl when he was born, Brent’s parents would have named him Heather.

How Tall is he? Brent Rivera’s height is 5 ft 11 in.

Acting. Brent started acting at the age of 11

TV/Movies. Brent has also done a bit of acting. He has appeared in the TV series, MrBrent98 (2018) and the movie, Alexander IRL (2017).

Favorite TV Show. Modern Family

Favorite Color. Green

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These twins lookin like a snack😋😂

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Vine. Brent’s popularity can be attributed to the social media platform, Vine. His thebrentrivera account had over 8.5 million followers and people tuned in daily to see the 6 second content he would put out.

Girlfriend/Morgan Justus. Brent Rivera at one point dated singer and model, Morgan Justus. The relationship was short lived as the two did not work out.

He is currently not dating anyone, but in a tweet, he made it known that his status needs to change.

Sports. Brent will often play roller hockey and ice hockey.

Favorite Subject in High School. History

Favorite Animated Movie. Frozen

Favorite Food. Sushi

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Just landed in Hawaii 🌺😍 where are you from?

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Favorite Fruit. Strawberry

Peanut Butter. He is actually allergic to peanut butter.

Favorite Emoji. Brent’s fav emoji would have to be the one with the heart eyes

Debut Song. He released his debut song in 2014 called, Doubt Your Doubts.

Favorite Summer Activity. Wakeboarding

Favorite Winter Activity. He loves to ski.

Pet. He has a dog named Becker.

Celebrity Crush. Brent’s biggest celebrity crush is Selena Gomez.

What Animal Would he be? If there was one animal he would be, it would be a panda bear.

Weird Fact. He doesn’t know how to whistle.

Dream Place to Visit. Brent has made it known that the dream place for vacation would have to be Tahiti

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Can’t keep my eyes off you 👀

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MTV Music Awards. At the 2015 MTV Music Awards, he was voted as the “Best Dressed”.

Superpower. If there was one superpower Brent could have, he would want to the ability to freeze anything.

Social Media. Brent Rivera has a huge following on social media. While he has made a name for himself on Youtube, he has grown his fan base across different social media profiles. You can follow him on  Instagram, TwitterFacebook,  and YouTube. His  Snapchat name @TheBrentRivera.

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