Dylan Jordan Facts

Dylan Jordan
Source: Instagram

[showcurrentage month=”09″ day=”23” year=”1998″ template=”1″]. year old, Dylan Jordan is a social media star and actor who is also dating Youtuber, Summer McKeen. His popularity continues to surge and he has his sights set on getting more into acting and singing.

If you are a fan or want to know more, take a look at these 16 Dylan Jordan facts.

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Birthday. Dylan Jordan’s age is [showcurrentage month=”09″ day=”23” year=”1998″ template=”1″]. His birthday is November 23, 1998. His Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

Birthplace. Newport Beach, California. He Moved to Oregon for 8 months, back in la

Siblings. He has a brother and  sister named Luke and Taylen.

Full Name. Dylan Chad Jordan

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Girlfriend. He is dating Youtube Star, Summer McKeen. The two met on the set up of the web series Afterschooled in July 2016. They both hit off and two months later, he asked Summer if she would be his girlfriend.

Acting. He appeared in the Web Series, ‘Afterschooled’ with other stars such as Hayley Summer McKeen and Jenna Davis.

Sports Growing Up. Dylan played a ton of sports like basketball, football, baseball and track. He also played soccer for 14 years and wanted to go pro, but he lost interest in it.

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College. He is currently in college studying developmental psychology.

Pi. Dylan has mesmerized 205 digits of pi. That would be: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091

Eye Color. He has blue eyes

Favorite Movie. Titanic.

Favorite Instrument. Guitar, he calls playing this instrument his escape.

Youtube Channel Deleted. He was hacked and his channel channel deleted. He had almost 250,000 subscribers.

Baptized. Dylan got baptized and he could be Mormon, as his girlfriend, Summer, is.

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