Social Media star Natalie Coppes is building a nice little following on her Youtube channel and Instagram account.
A lot of people want to know more about this bubbly girl. Take a look at these 12 facts about Natalie Coppes if you want to learn more about her.
Birthday. Natalie Coppes age is [showcurrentage month=”9″ day=”2″ year=”1998″ template=”1″]. Her birthday is September 2, 1998. Her sign is Virgo.
Birthplace. Natalie grew up in in the Carlsbad area of Southern California.
Siblings. She has two brothers, Jacob and Corey
Boyfriend. She is dating Capron Funk, one of the stars of the super-popular Youtube channel, Funk Bros. She has made a couple of appearances in some of the Funk Bros videos. She started dating Capron in 2017.
How Tall is She? Natalie Coppes height is 5’ 2”
Her Favorite Color. She loves pink.
Friends. She stated in a Youtube Q & A that she had no friends in high school.
Tattoos. 3 tattoos, Lip ring, Shoulder piece and one on her hip. She wants to get more in the future.
Boob Job. Natalie had gotten a boob job and her reason behind it was that she was insecure and she felt that bigger boobs would make her feel pretty.
Gym Rat. She loves to workout and she is usually in the gym 5 days of the week, sometimes 7.
Favorite Starbucks Drink. Iced water
Social Media. She has a growing social media following on Instagram and Youtube. You can follow Natalie at:
Instagram: @nataliecoppes
Twitter: @coppesnatalie
Snapchat Name: @natalieecoppes